Adventureland is a Retro comedy-drama film, released in 2009. The film, adventureland was written and directed by Greg Mottola. The stars in the film were Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Margarita Levieva, Ryan Reynolds, Martin Starr, Kristen Wiigi and Bill Hader. Adventureland, the film was filmed in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania during Dec. 2007 to Jan. 2008, and with most scenes shot in Kennywood, which is a historic amusement park, nearby West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. The theme park of the film is based on the Farmingdale, New York amusement park Adventureland, where Greg Mottola have once worked in the 1980s. Rest of the scenes were shot in Beaver County and the airport area around the Pennsylvania area. The story of the film takes place during the summer season, but it was shot in the winter months in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, due to which crews had to often hide snowfall. Even in some instances, at the time of indoor takes, extras were paid to just stand outside, surrounding the windows and doors to block the snow falling behind the actors.
The film is about the summer of 1987 and James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg), has just graduated with a degree in comparative literature from Oberlin College and is looking forward to touring Europe for the summer and his dream is to go Columbia University for graduate school in journalism. But when his parents (Wendie Malick and Jack Gilpin) announce they won't be able to help him financially, so James searches for a summer job, but he was only able to find an unappealing one at Adventureland, which was a local amusement park in his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was appointed as an assistent manager in the games area. The movie is all about the James, the circumstances he face and his first love Emily 'Em' Lewin. And the job that changed his life completely. The totals of 41 songs were licensed for the film. The film soundtrack includes 14 songs and the songs were released on April 1, 2009. These songs included in the movie are mostly from the 1980s, to fit with the setting of the film. Overall, it was a very good movie. The experts gave this movie 3 and half star, they account the movie to be the best movie of the year to recall the memories of 1980s.